Friday, May 28, 2010

Sometimes it doesn't matter how smart you are or how hard you work. Eight years of working on upper class resentment down the tubes.

Day dreaming

I like to drink my coffee on the bench that faces the vet school. One day.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's kind of lonely at Penn. Good study conditions, I suppose. Magic carpet is really bangin', but by no means fills the void of my beloved Korean truck. This lunch truck coffee is pretty good. Oh well. Off to the library.

Friday, May 21, 2010

I see too many dogs that have been shot in the head. It makes me really sad. Rub your dog's belly and tell him you love him.

Got in the cage.

"You're watching the game with a girl?!"

"She knows more about hockey than both of you idiots."

James Minger, we will repopulate the earth with beautiful half Korean, hockey loving, hilarious children that love pizza.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I've really been trying to be less harsh. Writing people off hurts. I don't want to be an asshole. Now, I'm just getting burned and feeling like a chump. Fuck that. I'm back, baby!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Life is Amazing: An Outline

I - Professional Life
A - Dr. Murarka tells me that I am "the most hardworking person here." Later makes everyone in the room cheer for me.
B - At ACCT, I have been referred to as, "you know, that girl that's always killin' it."
C - School soon. Bring it, Penn. I'm going to eat you alive.

II - Friends
A - Everyone is in town!
B - Wedding excitement!
C - Nipping it in the bud.
D - Spending time with people that are worth it. And loving it.

III - Hockey
A - Mother. fucking. 6-0.
B - Listening to my Flyer'd Up mix when I get tired is rejuvenating.

IV - More than Friends
A - drool/swoon.

V - Family
A - Everybody's good. I miss Carl.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


"Rachael, you look so sad. Would you like to hang out with me and drink some mate?"

Yes. Yes, I would.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Five in three days.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


In the mood for a boyfriend. I want someone that:

1. would like to lay in bed with me and some pets, equally cuddling everyone.
2. thinks logically.
3. has some sort of goal in life.
4. likes James Brown.
5. likes to cook (or at least, likes to eat).
6. is not dead inside and is pleasant to be around.
7. knows how to communicate with people - not just me - in a healthy way.
8. is a generally responsible man.
9. is socially and politically aware.
10. is compelled to be a good person, not for religious reasons.
11. has a sense of humor.
12. likes to be outside.
13. enjoys little drawings of low-skill level.