Saturday, August 7, 2010

Amazement Continues

Normal surgery schedule. Lots of dogs. Dogs equal long day. There are always a few pregnant cats to spay, too. After we finished all of the dogs, we went to lunch. I prepped the first cat and put her on the table. When I walked over to sedate the next female, I saw some blood and two kittens. Apparently, my sighing "Son of a bitch" sent the vet over. Over the last year, I have been wired to get upset when a pregnant cat does not get spayed. After thinking it over, I remembered that she was actually really sweet when I examined her earlier. A little later me and the doc sutured their umbilical cords. He looked down at one of the kittens and said, "It's so strange. This is how life begins." My eyes watered up a bit. I knew this was a special moment. His wife is pregnant with twins.

I decided to take the gang home, since it was only two kitties and they would probably get sick in the shelter. One hour later, there was another kitten. No big deal. When I was ready to leave work, I started to pile everyone into the carrier. Lo and behold kitten number four. I cleaned everyone up, got some paperwork for the new guy, and we hit the road. When we got home, I gave mama some wet food and checked on the kids. While she was eating, she popped out kitten NUMBER FIVE! She did not stop eating, while her youngest dangled from her vagina. It was hilarious and I took pictures. After I sutured the last little guys cord, I peeked at mom. She was nursing all of her kitties, was milk treading too, and slowly passing out. It was amazing. It was also the cutest thing I have ever seen in my entire life.

Montecore is very curious about all of this. He is meowing at my door right now. He's going to have to wait a days for that. I also kind of think that mom has ringworm. We'll cross that bridge in a few days. I can't get it. So, I don't care.

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