Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Exhaustion Outline

I - Family
A - Neither one of us can leave because you are not well.
1 - You can't just leave your family in the dust when they need you... even if it's not cool to live at home when you're 26.
2 - Constant source of stress.
3 - Constant source of guilt.
4 - It is hard to save when the family is a financial burden.
5 - It is hard to have a future when you cannot save.
6 - My friends that were poor, and are now successful, moved away from their families.

II - Animals
A - Called me demanding, and meant it as an insult. Too bad I took it as a compliment. There's no harm in striving for better.
B - I can't believe Alley is still homeless.

III - People
A - Epiphany while listening to Smokey Robbinson. Half truths, re-written history, and empty comments.
B - Adam James is more caring than most.
C - There's no point in trying to piece things together in order to recreate something that never existed.
D - I very much enjoy the company of some new friends.
E - I very much enjoy the company of old friends.

IV - Medical
A - Fuck insurance companies.
B - Fuck hospitals.
C - Fuck (most) doctors.

V - Outlook
A - There is no point to life.
B - I am always exhausted.
C - I care too much about things I can't change. Ugh.

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